
240 | And the camera was there, here are the photos

Mitchel Lensink
Aug 28, 2021
1 min read

Hello from the other side of what is currently my longest bike-ride ever! It was a leg-numbing headache-inducing experience but I’m proud (so proud!) that I’ve completed a ride like this. Just over 73 kilometers in a little under 3,5 hours. Not bad at all but I did struggle in the second half. I was already expecting a hefty headwind but the reality was a little more severe than my expectations.

But I digress.

I’m actually here to show you the photos I have made yesterday. I took exactly 100 photos! What are the odds to land on such a perfect number. I’m not showing you all those pictures (I will spare you) but you can find a selection below. I would get into my reasoning behind photographing my entire day but I’m just too tired to do so after that bike ride. I’ll elaborate at a later time. For now, please enjoy some photos.

P.S. If you say ‘gimme all the goods!’ They you can view the entire series here. Be prepared for boring and mundane shots though!

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