
337 | The things I do for my craft

Mitchel Lensink
Dec 3, 2021
1 min read

The wind was blowing so hard, drops from the water reached all the way up to the few uncovered parts of my face. Though it might’ve been a light rain as well. It’s December in the Netherlands alright and I cursed myself for not wearing any gloves. Instead, my hands were firmly tucked away in the deep pockets of my puffer jacket. My camera slung across my body, hiding in the safe space between my right arm and my torso.

You can call me many things but at least one of them has to be a promise-keeper. Because I promised to do a ferry to ferry walk in Amsterdam North and walking it I did today. The weather was as bad as it was last Saturday but again that didn’t stop me. Burning those calories, collecting that GPS data, shooting those photos I will. The plan was to take the ferry from Amsterdam Central Station straight across to the Buiksloterweg and then weave my way through the quickly developing area until I reached the NDSM wharf.

The walk was a lot shorter than it looked on the map so once I realized that I took a detour here and there. Nothing fancy, just making sure to increase the length of the walk by taking in more of the scenery. Nevertheless, returning to the area won’t be boring as there is still much more to explore.

Typing this with slowly warming fingers In the train back is perhaps my biggest reward. Though the drinks waiting in my refrigerator back home will do me well too. Before I can indulge though, there’s a bike ride home that I’m not looking forward to. Over to the mental preparations.

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