In an Airbnb just outside of a small town, centrally located in The Netherlands, six friends gather once more to fuse their creative brains. That fusion of energy back in April, 2024, resulted in a full-blown, seven-song EP, now available on your favorite streaming service. Since then, the songs have been performed on stages across the country, and while I've been documenting those performances as well, those stories are for another time. The formula for this week is largely the same as before: clear out the agendas, gather in one place, mash away on keyboards (piano, computer, iPhone) and drum computers, write, bounce ideas off each other, make music. That is, for five of them, again. I will do my best to contain my excitement and energy as much as I can and occupy the periphery of the room. Pointing the camera where I think it matters.
Unlike last time, I have taken time off from my day job. It has been over a year since I did so for more than a day or two anyway, planning two short getaways in weekends as much as possible. I’ve worked, stayed available, remained engaged, almost to a fault. I wouldn’t call it burnout, but I was capital-T Tired – exhausted, no longer able to think coherent sentences for longer than a few hours a day. I could use a break. A switch of contexts. Even if it simply meant 'working' on my photography, that was good enough for me. Though, if I’m honest, I wouldn’t know how not to take photos, conceptualize, look carefully, devise thoughts to later write down, even if it was a full on holiday anyway.

So, off we go again! Last time I had to passenger-princess my way through but I have my own driver’s license now. Which means it is now my car filled with gear and people. I like this because it allows me to contribute in a different way than taking pictures. Throughout the week this form of contribution continued to be valuable, as I could go foraging for food and drinks at the local supermarket while the rest could continue making music.
Other than that, the general events over the week are very similar to last time. One of the two producers spins up a loop, which plays for hours as they add stuff, tinker with it, turn it into a song. Three, sometimes four, writers begin by mumbling melodies first, then words, complete sentences, and finally, entire verses, gradually shaping them into songs. I’m mostly on the sidelines, observing it all. I offer my perspective when I think it has value (I’m not a musician but I used to think I was, and I still greatly enjoy the creative process behind it) but I also know when to shut up and focus on photography. It’s a delicate creative balance I’m only willing to walk the rope of because these people are not just clients – they are my real-life friends and they know my intentions are pure, even when my ideas aren’t necessarily good. Intricacies aside though, ultimately I’m here to document whatever happens.

New service: pet photography
A surprise for myself as much as it might be to you: I’m doing commercial photography again. But I’m also not fully disowning my "I’m not doing freelance photography again" stance I made three years ago. However, I’ve also made one important change: this is my idea, my service, and my passion—not somebody else’s. I hope, no, trust, no, know this will grant me the energy to continue doing this as long as people will have me.

But, intrinsic motivations aside, I believe I can truly bring some value to people’s lives through this service. I believe our pets are an extension of our lives, much more than just furry companions that look cute in the house. Therefore, I believe they should be treated with the same dignity, respect, and attention. Their lives are worthy of being documented so that they can be properly remembered—just as we do with humans.
I could go into more detail here but I’ve captured that story on the dedicated pet photography service page on my website. Most of the page is in Dutch so you’ll have to scroll to the bottom to read the English description, I’ve only included for posterity and because the rest of my website is in English too. That said, this is clearly a local service, inherently tied to where I live: The Netherlands. Or maybe even as specific as Amersfoort, The Netherlands. I’ll travel anywhere within Amersfoort at no additional cost, and I’m happy to drive anywhere in the Netherlands for a small mileage fee.
Anyway, please feel free to spread the word among your pet-loving friends and family. I find it very fun to even think about offering this service but booking my first session would be even better. If you have any questions or remarks, my inbox is open as always.
Thank you for your undivided attention to this lengthy missive once again. I’ll be back next month, hopefully with at least one pet photography session scheduled. One can only hope.