
000 | A new 365 project: daily writing all 2021

Mitchel Lensink
Dec 31, 2020
1 min read

Daily writing. That’s something I want to do. Why? I’m not sure yet. Partly because I want to become better at writing. Maybe even more because I think that keeping a constant flow of though can lead to many new things. New thoughts.

On some days I have these contant words echoing in my head. For those days, I think writing things down might be cathartic. Bring some structure to the chaos.

On other days I feel completely blank and have trouble formulating concrete ideas. Daily writing might help bring more clarity on those moments.

Next to that, daily writing might be a good 365 project for the coming year. It’s been too long since I’ve done anything like that. It was 2015, when I started my photography journey.

Regarding any rules, writing can be in any form or shape. Preferably it’s a blog post like this one. Though a tweet is also fine. Maybe even a photo of an entry in my physical journal. It doesn’t matter that much.

Let’s see if I can make this last a full year again.

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