
188 | Another try tomorrow

Mitchel Lensink
Jul 7, 2021
1 min read

Another try tomorrow! Utrecht as my playground and my hopes back up again. Shuffling through my work from Tuesday, I must say I’ve done the best I could’ve. Especially considering the circumstances. Well, that takes away my last doubts and raises my confidence for tomorrow.

Also, Utrecht is a city I’m more comfortable in. A place I know. The same couldn’t be said about Hilversum and I have a faint feeling that won’t change anytime soon as well. Utrecht has more to offer and just has better vibrations. In my opinion at least. So let’s load the bike back onto the train and finish this job.1

Oeh! There’s also a thing coming in the mail tomorrow. Something I’ve had my eyes on for, what is it, years now?

Well… now that I think about it, tomorrow is going to be a pretty exciting day!

  1. Please imagine the exclamation mark for added dramatical effect. ↩︎

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