
046 | I have a bad habit

Mitchel Lensink
Feb 15, 2021
1 min read

I have this bad habit of piling up my editing work until the point that I can no longer take it and go through it all at once. Sure, I do a few edits here and there as I keep everything synced to my phone. This allows me to make some progress in those empty moments during the day. The final revision and proper export need to be done on my computer though.

This is where it gets tricky for me.

I just can’t bring myself to export all that work all the time. It’s too much time in front of a screen, waiting for the progress bar to load. My MacBook is hooked up to a 27 inch 4K monitor, which it doesn’t like that much as well. The whole experience is a little clunky and therefore not very fun.

This evening though, I had a moment of motivation that moved me to manage myself through the motions.

I exported all my recent work for the B&W Squares project. I exported all the extra shots for my ever-expanding Viewfinder folder with work that needs to find a home someday as well. I exported the client shoot I was talking about the other day. I love the results of that shoot.

So that’s that. Anyway, talk to you again tomorrow.

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