I’ve been keeping track of the basket next to our house and its deterioration process. Don’t ask me why, I just do. It started out pretty random as I thought the thing looked visually appealing already. Then the net started to slowly come off and I just could helpt but check up on the thing on an almost daily basis.
Now, for some unexplainable reason, the net managed to attach itself to the back of the thing. Basically, I’m just looking for an excuse to embed this Twitter thread I’ve been maintaining.
It’s an ongoing story so please make sure to click the thing so you can see the progress. That is, if you care enough to do such a thing of course.
I can’t stop thinking about this iPhone photo. pic.twitter.com/AIBUX3Q7iy
— Mitch (@lensinkmitchel) March 10, 2021
It’s the slow deterioration that’s now become interesting. pic.twitter.com/QAmudGc7RF
— Mitch (@lensinkmitchel) April 13, 2021
It turns out it’s a net loss for the basket. pic.twitter.com/Gz09xttJLx
— Mitch (@lensinkmitchel) April 18, 2021
The wind is so fierce today that the detached net from the basket swings so vigorously it’s leaving streaks in the dirt. pic.twitter.com/D1sNYqzodm
— Mitch (@lensinkmitchel) May 4, 2021
The net is gone and the basket is lonelier than ever. pic.twitter.com/ixRpcfkxiR
— Mitch (@lensinkmitchel) June 14, 2021