
006 | I sold my first fine art photo print and I realized something

Mitchel Lensink
Jan 6, 2021
1 min read

Today marks the day that I sold my first fine art photo print! I’ve made and sold many prints in the past whenever people requested it. This time is different though.

This print is made on a very high quality photo paper. The type of paper that museums use. The colors look amazing, the print does not fade or yellow over time and the texture. Oh the texture. I have never seen a print like this before.

I’ve signed and dated it on the back to complete it as a proper art piece, directly from the artist (that’s me!). I’m proud of the result and it makes me feel… accomplished.

I’ve sold my work before, many times. But this feels different.

Hear me out. I went on a trip, took photos on said trip, posted them online and somebody reached out to me directly with an interest in purchasing a print (already amazing). I then take the time to learn how to properly make a photo print that lasts, that has value, and before you know it there is a physical version of a photo I’ve made.

If you think about it, this might be the only way of going full circle with photography.

First, you see something in the real world, a physical thing. Then, you take a photo of it. Which is an abstract representation of that physical thing in the form of (these days) ones and zeroes. Finally, you convert those ones and zeroes back to a photo print, placing it back into the physical world. Full circle!

This print was made on request and it’s a one-off like many I’ve made in the past. I’m now looking into a proper way to implement selling prints in my shop as well though. More on that later!

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