
041 | I was so excited about yesterday’s miniature photo project

Mitchel Lensink
Feb 10, 2021
1 min read

I was so excited about yesterday’s miniature photo project, that I started mocking up a little Zine today. Why?

  1. This is a good opportunity to further experiment with printing my work. Experience it in a physical form.
  2. It’s the perfect time to play around with Affinity Publisher (an Adobe InDesign alternative) for the creation of the layout.
  3. I need to fill my portfolio with more projects. It doesn’t matter that they're small like this one. I want to show people I can come up with a concept, a theme, and turn it into something tangible.

It’s still a work in progress but here’s the cover I came up with.

I wanted to show a first draft of the cover here but I can’t come up with anything that’s even first draft-worthy.

Soon, soon, soon.

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