
120 | I've been keeping the same note for a year

Mitchel Lensink
Apr 30, 2021
1 min read

I have this note that I’ve been keeping for about a year(?) now. It’s called ‘Vrije associatie’ or, ‘Free association’ and I use it to write down literately anything that does not have an immediate place to go to otherwise.

Any idea, any random thought, any question, anything that I want to remember; I write down there. It’s a good tool to remember stuff without having to think about it all the time. I know it’s right there and if I ever need inspiration or whatever, I can just scroll through it.

Now that I’ve been doing just that for quite some time, I’ve aggregated a sizeable list of ideas and thoughts that I found somewhat important to remember when I wrote them. The fun part is, that most of the ideas I have apparently aren’t so bad. The reason I can say that, is because quite a few of them are things I am actually doing now or things that have actually seen the light of day.

For example, and I don’t want to give away too much here, I wrote down ‘The Lens Loves You’ quite some time ago. It didn’t have a plan or further ideas attached to it then but it’s now something I’m slowly starting to send out into the world. Obviously, I changed the spelling a little in the process but the idea originated there.

Another example is my Endless Cycle playlist, which even has the ‘Tunes to ride your bike to’ subtitle written down as well. I know these are small things, there are some larger ones still remaining, but it’s a comforting thought that not all ideas I have are BS.

Now, I think I have done enough stuff for the week. Let me enjoy a beer and some leftover Indian food.

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