
222 | There’s nothing wrong with priorities

Mitchel Lensink
Aug 10, 2021
1 min read

Okay okay I’m already backtracking on my claims from yesterday. Dark mode is beautiful but also a pain to set up. Such a pain! This web development thing isn’t my cup of tea. I’m a photographer for Pete’s sake! I’m parking that project for now as it takes up too much time for now. That’s not always an issue but when it jeopardizes other improvements it definitely becomes one.

One of the things I worked on instead was picking out a Top 10 of my Monologues so far. I then pinned those to the top of the Monologue Archive page. I must say, reading through them is so much fun. It’s amazing to have a record of all the bits and pieces that went through my mind as I progressed through the year (take a look at this one, for example). Things I came up with in March have been refined in April and finished in July. It’s such a relief to see that I really am a person that follows through with things. I’m so proud of myself.

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