
245 | Two minor things

Mitchel Lensink
Sep 2, 2021
1 min read

It’s time. So far, only one color preset and one black and white preset have been living on my Fujifilm X100V. This afternoon another color preset was added. Heavily leaning on a Fuji X Weekly film recipe, I’ve added a version of Bleach Bypass to my camera. Next to warm analog-looking photos, I really like harsh tonalities and low saturation so Bleach Bypass is perfect to give a try. It’s sadly not part of the X100V by default but the Fuji X Weekly version seems very nice on first try. We’ll see if it has a place in the second slot of my Q-menu.

In other news, I came home with a robot vacuum today (as a sort of surprise for Charlotte and a gift for myself) and we’ve been looking at it doing the rounds for the past half an hour or so. The cats keep a wary eye as well, though probably not to make sure the machine doesn’t trap itself somewhere.1 You can find a straight out of camera jpeg — with the new film sim of course — below. Oh, and it’s shot at ISO 8000 with the 2x digital zoom function and I missed focus so please forgive the grain.

  1. I’m sure they even secretly hope it gets stuck. ↩︎

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