

A full year of daily writing. My 365 project of 2021.

Mitchel Lensink
Dec 31, 2021
1 min read

About the project

It was December 31st, 2020. A day that is now known as day zero of my second 365 project, six years after doing it the first time when I wanted to learn photography. A project I would do under the name Monologue, as a reference to the newsletter I recently started called Dialogue. The plan was to write something, anything, for the duration of one full year. 365 days of trying to come up with something worthwhile to share.

I had no idea what I was starting, no idea how it would end. All I knew was that I wanted to get better at writing. So what do you do when you have such a goal? You practice, repeatedly. All 365 Monologues and the opening story I wrote the day before the project started can be found through below. Numbered and in chronological order, for your entertainment and future reference.

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