If you asked me what I wanted to do with my photography a few years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you. At this point I would probably tell you: travel, document, enjoy it. It doesn’t really matter to me how I accomplish this, but doing documentary style product/commercial/portrait photography (how would you even classify this stuff?), like I’ve done for Calgari Watches this time, is definitely a dream come true.
Up until this point, I’ve done quite a few jobs for Calgari and I really enjoy doing that type of work. The Milan trip has been my highlight so far though (duh). I have been finding more and more focus in my work recently and I am happy with the direction I’m heading in. My work for the local paper comes to mind, but directing my energy into long(er) form projects like this is also something that provides me with peace of mind.
Matter only doesn’t matter
Once, I was a slave to the race against time as well and made sure I had a consistent, high volume output. These days, I forget about that completely. I leave my Instagram untouched for weeks at a time and have been more productive than ever. A quick Instagram post is made easily but telling a story is something that takes some more time. I mean, everybody can speak but what are you actually trying to say?
I’m not sure what I am truly trying to say but at least I’m trying now. You can find a selection of my documentation of my trip with Calgari Watches in my photography archive.