
220 | Back to YouTube it is

Mitchel Lensink
Aug 8, 2021
1 min read

Back to YouTube it is. I gave it a try a few months ago but soon relinquished. Now I return to deliver a piece to camera about One Two One. I figured it’s nice to have a recording of myself talking about the project, while also providing people a way to see the project. You know, since there’s only one copy of the book.

I wanted to do the video in English as well, since all my other communication is in English too. The only reason I haven’t done so before, is because I’m scared to make mistakes and sound bad on camera.1 It could be a real demystification of my perceived English skills. Adding to that, it’s kinda hard to present something properly on camera. Trying to form coherent sentences that flow well and allow some room for editing isn’t easy!

Nevertheless, I gave it my best shot. The video is now live on my YouTube channel.

  1. It’s not my native language. ↩︎

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