
305 | Daylight saving myself from the noise

Mitchel Lensink
Nov 1, 2021
1 min read

It's a little past 10 PM and everybody is giving into their sleepiness. Darkness sets in at around half past five now that daylight saving time is back for the next few months and our natural melatonine adjusts accordingly. Everybody is slowly sinking into hibernation. Everybody except for one little four-legger.

This tiny animal thought it a good idea to loudly start playing with his toys when we could all use some quiet. Who can blame him though, as he's not concerned with conventional schedules. He simply plays when he wants to play and sleeps when he wants to sleep. He does not have to succumb to the tyranny of conformity. Your work-life/private-life balance means nothing to him.

Sadly, I do have to conform at this time. It's now almost half past ten at night, though it feels later because of the recent time-shift. That means my body could use the rest it deserves. Time to turn down the lights and hopefully inspire the cat to do the same.

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