I sent out my first newsletter yesterday. On accident. It’s not a big deal but I do feel like I could’ve sent out a more proper first email to my subscribers. Oh well…
Anyway, I did figure out a good format for the newsletter, which is called Dialogue by the way. I also realised that refusing to call it a newsletter and instead referring to it as a mailing list wasn’t constructive and unclear communication. So I folded and now I call it as it is: a newsletter.
Next to that, I worked on the Dialogue tagline and settled (for now) on “questions about photography and other things”. This might be a good method to stay true to the title of the newsletter.
I plan to lead every issue with a photography-related question and then try to find an answer to it. Hopefully, people will find my questions interesting enough to weigh in themselves as well.
I also plan on doing interviews with local photographers. It will probably be a question/answer-format where I ask the same questions to everybody. Just so we can have a little conversation.
It might be a good idea to publicly work on a list of questions, right here on the blog. I think five or six questions might be sufficient.
Asking questions and doing interviews is a good format that fits the title. The success of the idea probably depends on how well I execute it so I’ll give it some more thought and then turn to execution soon.
After all, I accidentally started already.