
153 | The amazing thing that is Poolside FM

Mitchel Lensink
Jun 2, 2021
1 min read

I switched out my contactlenses for a fresh pair and it has been absolute bliss all day. Perhaps that’s why I could hardly keep my eyes open yesterday. But that’s not what I want to talk about right now.

In fact, I don’t have much at all to talk about.

except this one thing...

Are you guys familiar with Poolside FM? If you’re not, I urge you to take a look at it at your earliest convenience. Go ahead and do it right now, I’ll wait.

The first time it came across my radar, was a few years ago but I didn’t pay it many minds at that time. Sure, the design stands out immediately and the way it approaches user experience is interesting, to say the least. I didn’t see a need for it back then though.

This morning that changed as myself and the app crossed paths again and this time, oh boy this time, I couldn’t bring myself to close it after starting. At the start of the year I said Cocktail Hour on Sonos radio is always a solid vibe to tune into. This is the same, but then with a little dose of retro-throwback-hipsterism that I’m a true sucka for. I downloaded the app and I listened to it all day.

Maybe, if you’re up for it, you can try the same tomorrow. See what it does for your mood. It certainly benefited mine.

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