I haven't made an app. I'm pitching the idea of an app. One that doesn't exist currently (to my knowledge) but could exist. Using the iPhone's Back Tap functionality to alleviate and 'track' anxiety
I use my CC recipe about 80 percent of the time. Maybe even 90 percent. That film sim can, in my opinion, be used for everything.
I can imagine people going through similar phases as I have when looking for a camera like the X100V. Hopefully, my experience and work with it can provide some perspective for new buyers.
I think we can all agree that Fujifilm's film simulations are amazing. That's why I have created six film simulation recipes that have been living on both my Fujifilm X100V and X-Pro3 for the better part of a year now.
First presented in the form of a video, this essay captures my state of mind at the start of 2022 and explains the motivations behind my decision to ditch freelance photography and start going on long photo-walks instead.
Do I think people are interested enough in what I have to share? I have no clue. I don’t have the illusion that I unequivocally deserve your attention. I can ask for it though.
It might seem like an obvious answer and not really something worthy to write about in such lengths. Still, you would be amazed how often I get asked this question. I still get surprised reactions when I tell them how I became the photographer I am today.
This story has been long overdue, since I have actually been on this trip before going to Curaçao. I just didn’t have time to finish all the photo edits in time for my Curacao trip so I had to do that still upon return. There is a good reason for that though.
Arriving in Curacao is a relief after months of the cold back home. I can feel my skin loosing its tension. My muscles relaxing.
I came up with a method to keep my whole photography workflow to one camera, preferably one lens, and an iPhone with at least iOS 13.
The first realization I had was that revisiting the same place after a while again, isn’t a constraint but actually just another challenge. Perhaps even an advantage.