This time, I'd like to take you on a walk through the mist of an early morning, with a pleasant discovery following soon after.
Somebody taps on my shoulder, which startles me a little. I look up, straight into the eyes of the man that just passed me. Apparently, he turned around. He notices my uneasiness.
My phone screen wakes from an email: ‘extra information about your upcoming trip to Greece’, it reads. I peek out of the window to the left of me and see nothing but droplets on glass. The perfect time to extend summer just that little bit more.
London is a big city. That might sound like an obvious statement to some, but at this particular Thursday morning, I had no idea yet.
I look up from the screen and notice the orange glow outside. 'This would be the perfect time to go for a walk', I think.
They asks how I'm doing and what I currently spend my days on. A difficult question, I find out immediately. I stumble over my words, as I don't quite know where to start. This is the moment I can spark their interest about my work.
We turn around the corner from where we've been eating and gradually make our way back to the Airbnb. Then, the biggest coincidence I've experienced this year happened.
Whenever I feel disoriented or not in control of my life, I simply need to find a moment to go on a walk that's at least 30 minutes long. I've learned that half an hour is the minimum amount of time required to purge any internal chaos and find balance again.
The camera around my neck quickly becomes the topic of conversation, pushing me into the role of ‘the photographer’. After a few short-lived interactions, I excuse myself and task myself with documenting the room and tonight's attendees.
What a month it has been, hasn't it? But in times of turmoil, there's always the option to express yourself and make things. In fact, if you are somebody who likes to create, this is especially a good time to focus on your craft.
First presented in the form of a video, this essay captures my state of mind at the start of 2022 and explains the motivations behind my decision to ditch freelance photography and start going on long photo-walks instead.
That’s it, I’ve had enough. I look at the phone in its holder to my left and see it’s 11:30 in the evening. Why on earth am I still staring at a computer screen? It has been 10 hours of photo editing, website building and writing today for the I-don’t-know-how-many-th day in a row.